
Why Donate?

Let’s not forget the need for dollars to pay our 24/7 trained direct care staff and administrators, along with other operational costs. Our teen residents have round the clock care and guidance from dedicated staff that are there to help keep a routine in place and guide residents in behavior modification. 

An easy way to make a HUGE impact at My Friend’s House is to sign up to be a Friend of a Friend (our monthly donor program). We have made it easy to become a Friend of a Friend, once you put in your credit card information and pick the amount you want to donate, an automated recurring donation will occur every month. Small monthly donations add up to big amounts annually, and collectively create a sustainable revenue stream to support My Friend’s House.

Friend of a Friend

Donate When You Shop

There is no easier way to support your favorite nonprofit than to sign-up for Amazon Smile or Kroger Cares. After the initial sign-up, anytime you shop at either of these places a percentage is donated back to My Friend’s House.  It’s a 10 minute commitment!

How to sign up for Amazon Smile - Instructions

Amazon Wish List - Recurring Needs List

Kroger Cares - Sign Up

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