It is finished! We have moved into our new house and any inkling of the old house is gone!
Wednesday, November 13th was a beautiful, bright and very brisk fall day, and one that will be remembered for years to come! It was house dedication day!
Well over 100 guests joined us in the dedication and blessing of our new facility. Mo Better BBQ catered the event hosted by Bucky Ingram's Willow Branch Partners, LLC and organized by Margaret Tolbert from Tolbert Marketing & Events. The house was open for touring, while a delicous BBQ lunch was served. Tina Edwards, Executive Director, welcomed everyone and gave some insight to the journey that brought us to this joyous occasion and shared our gratitude. Paul Winegar of Willow Branch Partners, LLC spoke briefly of the partnership with My Friend's House that led us to this milestone, and then Damien Charley said a blessing over the house.
We, the staff and board, are so happy to have this beautiful new facility to call ours, and the boys are thrilled beyond words to have this as their new home! Thank you to everyone who made this dream a reality! As Tina conveyed in her brief talk, we are close, but not there yet! We still need help from our Friends, both individuals, groups or businesses, to help us reach our goal of completely paying off the house, so that all future monies can go toward the caring and nurturing of the boys that call this gorgeouse new house their home!
We wanted our new logo to better represent our mission, and who we serve. The design shows two boys of varying skin tones coming together to form an abstract house, with the warm glow of light in the window. We serve boys. Boys that come from various backgrounds with a wide range of issues. They come to us to live, heal and grow.
The name ‘My Friend’s House’ is the foundation of the logo. If we are successful in our mission, MFH is the foundation that these boys need. Increasingly, both intermally and externally, we are referred to as MFH. In an effort to have our logo identify us as My Friend’s House, or MFH, we incorporated the letters ‘MFH’ into our logo.
Our tagline ‘a place for boys to live, heal, grow’ further illustrates and emphasizes our mission, in that the boys do literally come live with us, most are on a healing journey and each and every one will grow physically, emotionally and mentally during their stay at My Friend's House.